Below is a list of my publications. You can request some of the publications by clicking on the request sign (Request sign). Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

This list was last updated on 07 Jan 2025

    (1) L Tas, N Hartog, M Bloemendal, D Simpson, T Robert, R Thibaut, L Zhang, and T Hermans, Efficiency and heat transport processes of low-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems: new insights from global sensitivity analyses. Geothermal Energy, 2025. 13 (1): p. 2. Request: Efficiency and heat transport processes of low-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems: new insights from global sensitivity analyses
    (2) G Schout, J Griffioen, N Hartog, HGM Eggenkamp, and DG Cirkel, Methane occurrence and origin in Dutch groundwater: from shallow aquifers to deep reservoirs. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 2024. 103: p. e24. Request: Methane occurrence and origin in Dutch groundwater: from shallow aquifers to deep reservoirs
    (3) S Beernink, N Hartog, PJ Vardon, and M Bloemendal, Heat losses in ATES systems: The impact of processes, storage geometry and temperature. Geothermics, 2024. 117: p. 102889. Request: Heat losses in ATES systems: The impact of processes, storage geometry and temperature
    (4) Y Zheng, J Vanderzalm, N Hartog, EF Escalante, and C Stefan, The 21st century water quality challenges for managed aquifer recharge: towards a risk-based regulatory approach. Hydrogeology Journal, 2023. 31: p. 31–34. Request: The 21st century water quality challenges for managed aquifer recharge: towards a risk-based regulatory approach
    (5) JM Chicco, D Antonijevic, M Bloemendal, F Cecinato, G Goetzl, M Hajto, N Hartog, G Mandrone, D Vacha, and PJ Vardon. Improving the Efficiency of District Heating and Cooling Using a Geothermal Technology: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES). in New Metropolitan Perspectives. 2022. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    (6) ML van der Schans, M Bloemendal, N Robat, A Oosterhof, PJ Stuyfzand, and N Hartog, Field Testing of a Novel Drilling Technique to Expand Well Diameters at Depth in Unconsolidated Formations. Groundwater, 2022. 60 (6): p. 808-819. Request: Field Testing of a Novel Drilling Technique to Expand Well Diameters at Depth in Unconsolidated Formations
    (7) JH van Lopik, N Hartog, and RJ Schotting, Using multiple partially-penetrating wells (MPPWs) to improve the performance of high-temperature ATES systems: Well operation, storage conditions and aquifer heterogeneity. Geothermics, 2022. 105: p. 102537. Request: Using multiple partially-penetrating wells (MPPWs) to improve the performance of high-temperature ATES systems: Well operation, storage conditions and aquifer heterogeneity
    (8) JA van Leeuwen, J Gerritse, N Hartog, S Ertl, JR Parsons, and SM Hassanizadeh, Anaerobic degradation of benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons in a tar-derived plume: Nitrate versus iron reducing conditions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2022. 248: p. 104006. Request: Anaerobic degradation of benzene and other aromatic hydrocarbons in a tar-derived plume: Nitrate versus iron reducing conditions
    (9) S Beernink, M Bloemendal, R Kleinlugtenbelt, and N Hartog, Maximizing the use of aquifer thermal energy storage systems in urban areas: effects on individual system primary energy use and overall GHG emissions. Applied Energy, 2022. 311: p. 118587. Request: Maximizing the use of aquifer thermal energy storage systems in urban areas: effects on individual system primary energy use and overall GHG emissions
    (10) E van der Roest, S Beernink, N Hartog, JP van der Hoek, and M Bloemendal, Towards Sustainable Heat Supply with Decentralized Multi-Energy Systems by Integration of Subsurface Seasonal Heat Storage. Energies, 2021. 14 (23): p. 7958. Request: Towards Sustainable Heat Supply with Decentralized Multi-Energy Systems by Integration of Subsurface Seasonal Heat Storage
    (11) CGEMv Beek, DG Cirkel, MJd Jonge, and N Hartog, Concentration of Iron(II) in Fresh Groundwater Controlled by Siderite, Field Evidence. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2021. 27: p. 49-61. Request: Concentration of Iron(II) in Fresh Groundwater Controlled by Siderite, Field Evidence
    (12) J van Lopik, T Sweijen, N Hartog, and RJ Schotting, Contribution to head loss by partial-penetration and well completion: implications for dewatering and artificial recharge water wells. Hydrogeology Journal, 2021. 29: p. 875–893. Request: Contribution to head loss by partial-penetration and well completion: implications for dewatering and artificial recharge water wells
    (13) JH van Lopik, N Hartog, and RJ Schotting, Taking advantage of aquifer heterogeneity in designing construction dewatering systems with partially penetrating recharge wells. Hydrogeology Journal, 2020. 28 (8): p. 2833-2851. Request: Taking advantage of aquifer heterogeneity in designing construction dewatering systems with partially penetrating recharge wells
    (14) N Hartog, DG Cirkel, G Slangen, R Vis, and F van de Watering, Grondwatermonitoring bij geothermiesystemen: een praktijkverkenning, in Kennisagenda Aardwarmte. 2020, KWR/W+B.
    (15) R Wimmers, N Hartog, and M Bloemendal, Waar kunnen open bodemenergiesystemen worden geplaatst?. H2O-Online, 2020. Request: Waar kunnen open bodemenergiesystemen worden geplaatst?
    (16) G Schout, N Hartog, SM Hassanizadeh, R Helmig, and J Griffioen, Impact of groundwater flow on methane gas migration and retention in unconsolidated aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2020. 230: p. 103619. Request: Impact of groundwater flow on methane gas migration and retention in unconsolidated aquifers
    (17) JA Van Leeuwen, N Hartog, J Gerritse, C Gallacher, R Helmus, O Brock, JR Parsons, and SM Hassanizadeh, The dissolution and microbial degradation of mobile aromatic hydrocarbons from a Pintsch gas tar DNAPL source zone. Science of The Total Environment, 2020: p. 137797. Request: The dissolution and microbial degradation of mobile aromatic hydrocarbons from a Pintsch gas tar DNAPL source zone
    (18) T Sweijen, N Hartog, G Winters, JK Haasnoot, and AEC van der Stoel, Geochemie van Waterglasinjecties. Geotechniek, 2019. 23 (2): p. 8-14. Request: Geochemie van Waterglasinjecties
    (19) JH van Lopik, L Zazai, N Hartog, and RJ Schotting, Nonlinear Flow Behavior in Packed Beds of Natural and Variably Graded Granular Materials. Transport in Porous Media, 2019. Request: Nonlinear Flow Behavior in Packed Beds of Natural and Variably Graded Granular Materials
    (20) T van Dooren, KG Zuurbier, KJ Raat, N Hartog, and PJ Stuyfzand, Enabling the reuse of industrial wastewater to meet freshwater demands of greenhouse agriculture by using aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), in ISMAR10. 2019: Madrid, Spain.
    (21) J Bloemendal, S Beernink, N Hartog, and B van Meurs, Transforming ATES To HT-ATES, Insights From Dutch Pilot Project. 2019.
    (22) S Beernink, N Hartog, J Bloemendal, and M van der Meer, ATES systems performance in practice: analysis of operational data from ATES systems in the province of Utrecht, The Netherlands, in European Geothermal Conference. 2019: The Hague, NL. Request: ATES systems performance in practice: analysis of operational data from ATES systems in the province of Utrecht, The Netherlands
    (23) N Hartog, S Beernink, and JM Bloemendal. Thermal Impact and Performance of High-Temperature ATES (HT-ATES) systems: a strong dependence on hydrogeological and storage conditions. in IAH Annual Assembly. 2019. Malaga, ES.
    (24) N Hartog, FEJ Verhoeven, DG Cirkel, T Behrends, and JP Trabucho Alexandre. Prospective Shale Formations in The Netherlands: A Geochemical Assessment of their Potential Impact on Water Quality. in Groundwater Quality. 2019. Liege, BE.
    (25) N Hartog, J Sijl, H van den Berg, and T van Dooren. Impact of Geogenic Arsenic Mobilisation on Drinking Water Production from Glauconitic Sand Formations: Origin, Processes and Mitigation Strategies. in IAH Annual Assembly. 2019. Malaga, ES.
    (26) N Hartog, J Sijl, H van den Berg, and T van Dooren. Geogenic Arsenic Mobilisation To Groundwater From Glauconitic Sand Formations: Geologic Origin, Geochemical Controls and possible solutions for Drinking Water Production. in Groundwater Quality. 2019. Liege, BE.
    (27) N Hartog, E van Nieuwkerk, R Cudmore, and G Card, Tracking the fate of Waipaoa river water infiltrated in the deeply anoxic Makauri Aquifer, Gisborne, New Zealand, in ISMAR10. 2019: Madrid, Spain.
    (28) T Fens, E van der Roest, A van Wijk, and N Hartog, SPX-project onderzoekt integratie van duurzame nutsfuncties. TVVL Magazine, 2019. 2: p. 19-23. Request: SPX-project onderzoekt integratie van duurzame nutsfuncties
    (29) G Schout, J Griffioen, SM Hassanizadeh, G Cardon de Lichtbuer, and N Hartog, Occurrence and fate of methane leakage from cut and buried abandoned gas wells in the Netherlands. Science of The Total Environment, 2019. 659: p. 773-782. Request: Occurrence and fate of methane leakage from cut and buried abandoned gas wells in the Netherlands
    (30) E Dorland, C Agudelo-Vera, N Hartog, R Sjerps, E Vonk, F Witte, and B Wols, Drinkwatersector is voorbereid op klimaatverandering. H2O-Online, 2018. 7 September. Request: Drinkwatersector is voorbereid op klimaatverandering
    (31) A D'Aniello, N Hartog, T Sweijen, and D Pianese, The impact of water saturation on the infiltration behaviour of elemental mercury DNAPL in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018. Request: The impact of water saturation on the infiltration behaviour of elemental mercury DNAPL in heterogeneous porous media
    (32) M de Jonge, F Schooneberg, D Vries, and N Hartog, IJzer- en mangaanverwijdering bij bereiding van drinkwater uit grondwater: praktijk en modellering . H2O-Online, 2018(14 maart 2018): p. 9. Request: IJzer- en mangaanverwijdering bij bereiding van drinkwater uit grondwater: praktijk en modellering
    (33) JM Bloemendal, N Hartog, A van Wijk, and J Pape, Duurzaam Verwarmen met WKO zonder Warmtepomp — Triplet Systeem in Combinatie met Droge Koelers Maakt Gebruik van Hoge Temperatuur Opslag. VV+, 2018. Februari: p. 36-40. Request: Duurzaam Verwarmen met WKO zonder Warmtepomp — Triplet Systeem in Combinatie met Droge Koelers Maakt Gebruik van Hoge Temperatuur Opslag
    (34) A D'Aniello, N Hartog, T Sweijen, and D Pianese, Infiltration Behaviour of Elemental Mercury DNAPL in Fully and Partially Water Saturated Porous Media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018. 209: p. 14-23. Request: Infiltration Behaviour of Elemental Mercury DNAPL in Fully and Partially Water Saturated Porous Media
    (35) A D'Aniello, N Hartog, T Sweijen, and D Pianese, Infiltration and Distribution of Elemental Mercury DNAPL in Water Saturated Porous Media: Experimental and Numerical Investigation. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2018. 229 (25): p. 1-17. Request: Infiltration and Distribution of Elemental Mercury DNAPL in Water Saturated Porous Media: Experimental and Numerical Investigation
    (36) G Schout, N Hartog, SM Hassanizadeh, and J Griffioen, The impact of an historic underground gas well blowout on the current methane chemistry in a shallow groundwater system. PNAS, 2018. 115 (2): p. 296–301. Request: The impact of an historic underground gas well blowout on the current methane chemistry in a shallow groundwater system
    (37) JM Bloemendal and N Hartog, Analysis of the impact of storage conditions on the thermal recovery efficiency of low-temperature ATES systems. Geothermics, 2018. 71: p. 306-319. Request: Analysis of the impact of storage conditions on the thermal recovery efficiency of low-temperature ATES systems
    (38) G Cirkel and N Hartog, Grondwatermonitoring bij Geothermieputten, BTO 2017.075. 2017, KWR Watercycle Research Institute. Request: Grondwatermonitoring bij Geothermieputten
    (39) JM Bloemendal, A Van Wijk, N Hartog, and J Pape, Verwarming en koeling zonder warmtepomp met WKO-triplet. H2O-Online, 2017. 1 December 2017. Request: Verwarming en koeling zonder warmtepomp met WKO-triplet
    (40) N Hartog and PJ Stuyfzand, Water Quality Considerations on the Rise as the Use of Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems Widens. Water, 2017. 9(10), 808 (Editorial ISMAR9 Special Issue "Water Quality Considerations for Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems"): p. 1-6. Request: Water Quality Considerations on the Rise as the Use of Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems Widens
    (41) Av Loon and N Hartog, Speuren naar Sporen in Grondwater—Verslag Intreerede Pieter Stuyfzand, bijzonder hoogleraar Chemische Hydrogeologie. Stromingen, 2017. 28 (2): p. 3-6. Request: Speuren naar Sporen in Grondwater—Verslag Intreerede Pieter Stuyfzand, bijzonder hoogleraar Chemische Hydrogeologie
    (42) J Lackin, JS Smit, R Dijcker, N Hartog, and R Slager, Geothermie in de stedelijke omgeving Hanzeland, Zwolle. Bodem, 2017. 3 (Juni): p. 22-24. Request: Geothermie in de stedelijke omgeving Hanzeland, Zwolle
    (43) CHM Hofman-Caris, DJH Harmsen, N Hartog, T Nicolaes, LJJM Janssen, E Winters-Breur, and TJS Keijzer, The potential of using UV photolysis in an aquifer thermal energy storage system to remediate groundwater contaminated with chloro ethenes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017. 5 (3): p. 2921–2929. Request: The potential of using UV photolysis in an aquifer thermal energy storage system to remediate groundwater contaminated with chloro ethenes
    (44) P Stuyfzand, E Smidt, Z KG, N Hartog, and M Dawoud, Observations and prediction of recovered quality of desalinated seawater in the Strategic ASR Project in Liwa, Abu Dhabi. Water, 2017. 9 (177): p. 1-25. Request: Observations and prediction of recovered quality of desalinated seawater in the Strategic ASR Project in Liwa, Abu Dhabi
    (45) I Verginelli, O Capobianco, N Hartog, and R Baciocchi, Analytical model for the design of in situ horizontal permeable reactive barriers (HPRBs) for the mitigation of chlorinated solvent vapors in the unsaturated zone. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2017. 197: p. 50–61. Request: Analytical model for the design of in situ horizontal permeable reactive barriers (HPRBs) for the mitigation of chlorinated solvent vapors in the unsaturated zone
    (46) C Sprenger, N Hartog, M Hernandez Garcia, E Vilanova, G Gruetzmacher, F Scheibler, and S Hannappel, Inventory of Managed Aquifer Recharge sites in Europe - historical development, current situation and perspectives. Hydrogeology Journal, 2017. 25 (6): p. 1909–1922. Request: Inventory of Managed Aquifer Recharge sites in Europe - historical development, current situation and perspectives
    (47) N Hartog, Risico's van Geothermie voor Grondwater, BTO 2016.077. 2016, KWR Watercycle Research Institute. Request: Risico's van Geothermie voor Grondwater
    (48) N Hartog and F Eichinger, Gas aspects in geothermal systems, in Operational issues in Geothermal Energy in Europe—Status and overview, S Schreiber, et al., Editors. 2016, Geothermal ERA NET: Reykjavík. p. 78-79. Request: Gas aspects in geothermal systems
    (49) F Eichinger and N Hartog, Carbonate scalings in deep geothermal systems, in Operational issues in Geothermal Energy in Europe—Status and overview, S Schreiber, et al., Editors. 2016, Geothermal ERA NET: Reykjavík. p. 57-61. Request: Carbonate scalings in deep geothermal systems
    (50) N Hartog, JM Bloemendal, E Slingerland, and A van Wijk, Duurzame warmte gaat ondergronds—Warmteopslag heeft meerwaarde voor warmtenetten: Welke kansen biedt de ondergrond?. 2016, Visiedocument voor NetbeheerNL. p. 7. Request: Duurzame warmte gaat ondergronds—Warmteopslag heeft meerwaarde voor warmtenetten: Welke kansen biedt de ondergrond?
    (51) K Zuurbier, P Stuyfzand, and N Hartog, Freshwater storage in brackish-saline aquifers for irrigation water supply: a bottomless pit or a fountain of gold?, in 2nd International Conference Linking Science and Policy. 2016.
    (52) K Zuurbier, P Stuyfzand , and N Hartog. Increasing freshwater recovery upon aquifer storage in brackish-saline aquifers, what can hydrogeological engineering bring. in ISMAR-9. 2016. Mexico-City.
    (53) N Hartog and M Bloemendal. Een warme toekomst voor Hoge(re) Temperatuur Opslag (HTO): hogere rendementen, grotere capaciteiten. in Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie. 2016. Utrecht, NL.
    (54) M Bloemendal and N Hartog. Evaluatie van Nederlandse WKO-systemem op energie-efficiëntie. in Nationaal Congres Bodemenergie. 2016. Utrecht, NL.
    (55) J Bloemendal and N Hartog, After the boom evaluation of Dutch ATES-systems, Analysis of 330 ATES well designs with respect to recovery efficiency and subsurface space use, in European Geothermal Congres. 2016: Strasbourg, France.
    (56) KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, and PJ Stuyfzand, Reactive transport impacts on recovered freshwater quality during multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPW-)ASR in a brackish heterogeneous aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 2016. 71: p. 35-47. Request: Reactive transport impacts on recovered freshwater quality during multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPW-)ASR in a brackish heterogeneous aquifer
    (57) N Hartog, Near-Well Subsurface Treatment Technologies for Sustainable Drinking Water Production, in Filtration Materials for Groundwater: A Guide to Good Practice , I Kozyatnyk, Editor. 2016, IWA Publishing. p. 144. Request: Near-Well Subsurface Treatment Technologies for Sustainable Drinking Water Production
    (58) F Li, S Guo, N Hartog, Y Yuan, and X Yang, Isolation and characterization of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria adapted to electrokinetic conditions. Biodegradation, 2016. 27 (1): p. 1-13. Request: Isolation and characterization of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria adapted to electrokinetic conditions
    (59) J van Lopik, N Hartog, and WJ Zaadnoordijk, The use of salinity contrast for density difference compensation to improve the thermal recovery efficiency in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems. Hydrogeology Journal, 2016. 24: p. 1255–1271. Request: The use of salinity contrast for density difference compensation to improve the thermal recovery efficiency in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems
    (60) N Hartog, Geochemical Assessment of Injectivity Problems in Geothermal Wells - A Case Study for several Greenhouse Geothermal Systems in The Netherlands, KWR 2015.012. 2015, KWR Watercycle Research Institute. p. 27. Request: Geochemical Assessment of Injectivity Problems in Geothermal Wells - A Case Study for several Greenhouse Geothermal Systems in The Netherlands
    (61) EA Antoniou and N Hartog, Enhancing natural subsurface purification during Managed Aquifer Recharge , in Water Quality in Europe: Challenges and Best Practice - UNESCO-IHP European Regional Consultation Meeting 2015: Koblenz, Germany.
    (62) J Lackin, ME Sicco Smit, R Dijcker, J Griffioen, M Weeda, and N Hartog, De bijdrage van de ondergrond aan de energietransitie in Overijssel — Zoektocht naar keuzevraagstukken en signaleren van barrières. Bodem, 2015. December (6): p. 14-16. Request: De bijdrage van de ondergrond aan de energietransitie in Overijssel — Zoektocht naar keuzevraagstukken en signaleren van barrières
    (63) J van Lopik, N Hartog, WJ Zaadnoordijk, DG Cirkel, and A Raoof, Salinization in a stratified aquifer induced by heat transfer from well casings. Advances in Water Resources, 2015. 86 (Part A): p. 32–45. Request: Salinization in a stratified aquifer induced by heat transfer from well casings
    (64) G Cirkel, N Hartog, B de La Loma Gonzales, and PJ Stuyfzand, Methaan in ondiep Nederlands grondwater: verbinding met de diepe ondergrond?. H2O-Online, 2015. 17 September 2015. Request: Methaan in ondiep Nederlands grondwater: verbinding met de diepe ondergrond?
    (65) MG Mahmoodlu, SM Hassanizadeh, N Hartog, A Raoof, and MT van Genuchten, Evaluation of a horizontal permeable reactive barrier for preventing upward diffusion of volatile organic compounds through the unsaturated zone. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015. 163: p. 204-213. Request: Evaluation of a horizontal permeable reactive barrier for preventing upward diffusion of volatile organic compounds through the unsaturated zone
    (66) R Zeghici, G Oude Essink, N Hartog, and W Sommer, Integrated assessment of variable density–viscosity groundwater flow for a high temperature mono-well aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) system in a geothermal reservoir. Geothermics, 2015. 55: p. 58–68. Request: Integrated assessment of variable density–viscosity groundwater flow for a high temperature mono-well aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) system in a geothermal reservoir
    (67) N Hartog, MG Mahmoodlu, and SM Hassanizadeh, Bias by the inappropriate use of the pseudo-first order approach to estimate second-order reaction rate constants: Reply to the commentary by Tratnyek (this issue). Science of the Total Environment, 2015. 502: p. 724-725. Request: Bias by the  inappropriate use of the pseudo-first order approach to estimate second-order reaction rate constants: Reply to the commentary by Tratnyek (this issue)
    (68) E Vilanova, M Miret, MH Garcia, C Sprenger, N Hartog, S Hannappel, and G Grützmacher. Identification of optimum conditions to face emerging pollutants removal in MAR systems. in 11th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. 2014. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
    (69) N Hartog and P van Diepenbeek, Afname geneesmiddelenconcentraties na inname Maaswater: verdunning of verwijdering?. H2O-Online, 2014. 20 november 2014. Request: Afname geneesmiddelenconcentraties na inname Maaswater: verdunning of verwijdering?
    (70) EA Antoniou, N Hartog, BM van Breukelen, and PJ Stuyfzand, Aquifer pre-oxidation using permanganate to mitigate water quality deterioration during aquifer storage and recovery. Applied Geochemistry, 2014. 50: p. p. 25–36. Request: Aquifer pre-oxidation using permanganate to mitigate water quality deterioration during aquifer storage and recovery
    (71) MG Mahmoodlu, SM Hassanizadeh, N Hartog, and A Raoof, Oxidation of trichloroethylene, toluene, and ethanol vapours by a partially saturated permeable reactive barrier. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2014. 164: p. 193-208. Request: Oxidation of trichloroethylene, toluene, and ethanol vapours by a partially saturated permeable reactive barrier
    (72) T Sweijen, N Hartog, A Marsman, and TJS Keijzer, The transport behaviour of elemental mercury DNAPL in saturated porous media: Analysis of field observations and two-phase flow modelling. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2014. 161: p. 24-34. Request: The transport behaviour of elemental mercury DNAPL in saturated porous media: Analysis of field observations and two-phase flow modelling
    (73) S Guo, R Fan, T Li, N Hartog, F Li, and X Yang, Synergistic effects of bioremediation and electrokinetics in the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2014. 109: p. 226–233. Request: Synergistic effects of bioremediation and electrokinetics in the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil
    (74) O Capobianco, G Costa, L Thuy, E Magliocco, N Hartog, and R Baciocchi, Carbonation of stainless steel slag in the context of in situ Brownfield remediation. Minerals Engineering, 2014. 59: p. 91-100. Request: Carbonation of stainless steel slag in the context of in situ Brownfield remediation
    (75) MG Mahmoodlu, SM Hassanizadeh, and N Hartog, Evaluation of the kinetic oxidation of aqueous volatile organic compounds by permanganate. Science of the Total Environment, 2014. 485-486: p. 755-763. Request: Evaluation of the kinetic oxidation of aqueous volatile organic compounds by permanganate
    (76) CB Lopes, JR Oliveira, LS Rocha, DS Tavares, CM Silva, SP Silva, N Hartog, AC Duarte, and E Pereira, Cork stoppers as an effective sorbent for water treatment: the removal of mercury at environmentally relevant concentrations and conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014. 21 (3): p. 2108-2121. Request: Cork stoppers as an effective sorbent for water treatment: the removal of mercury at environmentally relevant concentrations and conditions
    (77) F Scheibler, M Hernandez Garcia, E Vilanova, N Hartog, C Sprenger, and S Hannappel, DEVELOPMENT OF A CATALOGUE ON EUROPEAN MAR SITES, in ISMAR 8. 2013: Beijing.
    (78) N Hartog, B Drijver, I Dinkla, and M Bonte, Field assessment of the impacts of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems on chemical and microbial groundwater composition, in European Geothermal Conference. 2013: Pisa, Italy. p. 8. Request: Field assessment of the impacts of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)
systems on chemical and microbial groundwater composition
    (79) N Hartog, D den Hamer, M Blauw, W van der Star, and H Groot. ECOgrout: a sustainable in-situ carbonate-based grouting technology for use in brownfield redevelopment. in AquaConSoil. 2013. Barcelona. Request: ECOgrout: a sustainable in-situ carbonate-based grouting technology for use in brownfield redevelopment
    (80) MG Mahmoodlu, N Hartog, SM Hassanizadeh, and A Raoof, Oxidation of volatile organic vapours in air by solid potassium permanganate. Chemosphere, 2013. 91 (11): p. 1534-538. Request: Oxidation of volatile organic vapours in air by solid potassium permanganate
    (81) KG Zuurbier, N Hartog, J Valstar, VE Post, and BM van Breukelen, The impact of low-temperature seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) systems on chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater: modelling of spreading and degradation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology., 2013. 147 (0): p. 1-13. Request: The impact of low-temperature seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) systems on chlorinated solvent contaminated groundwater: modelling of spreading and degradation
    (82) F Li, S Guo, and N Hartog, Electrokinetics-enhanced biodegradation of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil around iron and steel industries. Electrochimica Acta, 2012. 85: p. 228-234. Request: Electrokinetics-enhanced biodegradation of heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil around iron and steel industries
    (83) N Hartog, FHPM Negrão, and J Valstar, Leaching from pyritic waste slags under alternating flow conditions: Control of primary and secondary mineral dynamics on the reactive transport of arsenic and heavy metals in a carbonate-buffered aquifer. International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, 2012: p. 101. Request: Leaching from pyritic waste slags under alternating flow conditions: Control of primary and secondary mineral dynamics on the reactive transport of arsenic and heavy metals in a carbonate-buffered aquifer
    (84) P Bardos, B Bone, D Elliott, N Hartog, J Henstock, and P Nathanail, Risk/benefit approach to the application of iron nanoparticles for the remediation of contaminated sites in the environment, Defra CB440. 2011, DEFRA. Request: Risk/benefit approach to the application of iron nanoparticles for the remediation of contaminated sites in the environment
    (85) N Hartog, P van Gaans, K-J Vermeulen, and M Jansen, The Leaching of Arsenic and Heavy Metals from Pyrite Slags Depots in the Upper Banks Under Conditions of Highly Dynamic Groundwater-Surfacewater Interaction. Mineralogical Magazine, 2011: p. 985.
    (86) N Hartog, Anticipated Temperature Effects on Biogeochemical Reaction Rates in Seasonal Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Systems: An Evaluation Using the Arrhenius Equation, in Dutch Geothermal Congress 2011: Utrecht, NL. Request: Anticipated Temperature Effects on Biogeochemical Reaction Rates in Seasonal Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Systems: An Evaluation Using the Arrhenius Equation
    (87) E van Nieuwkerk, N van Ras, W van Hattem, and N Hartog, Natuurlijke afbraak helpt gebiedsgerichte aanpak. Bodem, 2011. 1: p. 27-29. Request: Natuurlijke afbraak helpt gebiedsgerichte aanpak
    (88) K Zuurbier, N Hartog, J Valstar, and E van Nieuwkerk, Sterk verbeterde analyse van interactie warmte/koude-opslag en verontreinigd grondwater . H2O, 2011. 3: p. 33-36. Request: Sterk verbeterde analyse van interactie warmte/koude-opslag en verontreinigd grondwater
    (89) C Descourvieres, G Douglas, LL Leyland, N Hartog, and H Prommer, Geochemical reconstruction of the provenance, weathering and deposition of detrital-dominated sediments in the Perth Basin: the Cretaceous Leederville Formation, south-west Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 2011. 236: p. 62-76. Request: Geochemical reconstruction of the provenance, weathering and deposition of detrital-dominated sediments in the Perth Basin: the Cretaceous Leederville Formation, south-west Australia
    (90) T Keijzer, C Pijls, and N Hartog, Visualiseer de verontreiniging - Handreiking voor het opstellen van een conceptueel model, SKB-project PT8444. 2010, SKB. Request: Visualiseer de verontreiniging - Handreiking voor het opstellen van een conceptueel model
    (91) N Hartog, Can we utilize natural soil reactivity to improve air quality?, in ConSoil2010. 2010: Salzburg, Austria. Request: Can we utilize natural soil reactivity to improve air quality?
    (92) N Hartog and R Westerhoff, The potential of using an acoustic source for enhanced remediation of NAPL, in ConSoil2010. 2010: Salzburg, Austria. p. 101-106. Request: The potential of using an acoustic source for enhanced remediation of NAPL
    (93) C Descourvieres, H Prommer, C Oldham, J Greskowiak, and N Hartog, Kinetic Reaction Modeling Framework for Identifying and Quantifying Reductant Reactivity in Heterogeneous Aquifer Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010. 44 (17): p. 6698–6705. Request: Kinetic Reaction Modeling Framework for Identifying and Quantifying Reductant Reactivity in Heterogeneous Aquifer Sediments
    (94) C Descourvieres, H Prommer, N Hartog, C Oldham, J Greskiowak, and B Patterson. Identification of geochemical controls on sediment reactivity and buffering processes during managed aquifer recharge in a heterogeneous aquifer: Laboratory experiments and inverse kinetic reaction modelling. in ISMAR7. 2010. Abu Dhabi.
    (95) N Hartog, J Cho, B Parker, and MD Annable, Characterization of a heterogeneous DNAPL source zone in the Borden aquifer using partitioning and interfacial tracers: residual morphologies and background sorption. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2010. 115: p. 79-89. Request: Characterization of a heterogeneous DNAPL source zone in the Borden aquifer using partitioning and interfacial tracers: residual morphologies and background sorption
    (96) GR Todorovic, N Hartog, J Walsch, S Dultz, H Loishandl-Weisz, A Freudenschuss, and WEH Blum, (Im)mobilization of organic pollutants by soil constituents in the soil/ground water system – Strategies for innovative management. Altlasten Spektrum, 2010(1): p. 10-20. Request: (Im)mobilization of organic pollutants by soil constituents in the soil/ground water system – Strategies for innovative management
    (97) C Descourvières, N Hartog, BM Patterson, C Oldham, and H Prommer, Geochemical controls on sediment reactivity and buffering processes in a heterogeneous aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 2010. 25 (2): p. 261-275. Request: Geochemical controls on sediment reactivity and buffering processes in a heterogeneous aquifer
    (98) S van der Meulen, H van Duijne, N Hartog, L Maring, and H Rijnaarts, Holland in-Situ Program: Demonstration and Optimization of in-Situ Remediation through a Technical and Process Oriented R&D Program, in Consoil 2008: Theme E - Remediation Concepts & Technologies, Vols 1-3. 2008. p. 247-250.
    (99) N Hartog, S van der Meulen, B Parker, L Cave, and T Al, Optimizing In-Situ Chemical Oxidation of Residual DNAPL: Geochemical Controls and Sediment Oxidant Demand, in Consoil 2008: Theme E - Remediation Concepts & Technologies, Vols 1-3. 2008. p. 40-46.
    (100) N Hartog, A Langenhoff, J Gerritse, H Rijnaarts, and J Olie. Making better use of soils: From in situ remediation to in situ utilization. in 1st international conference on BioGeoCivil Engineering (BGCE). 2008. Delft. Request: Making better use of soils: From in situ remediation to in situ utilization
    (101) J Ter Meer, N Hartog, J Valstar, A Marsman, and H Rijnaarts, Contaminant sources, pathways and receptors at the Rotterdam Port Area–a non-site-specific approach, in Grundwasser und Boden. 2007: Osnabrück. p. 71-81. Request: Contaminant sources, pathways and receptors at the Rotterdam Port Area–a non-site-specific approach
    (102) P-J van Helvoort, J Griffioen, and N Hartog, Characterization of the reactivity of riverine heterogeneous sediments using a facies-based approach; the Rhine-Meuse delta (The Netherlands). Applied Geochemistry, 2007. 22 (12): p. 2735-2757. Request: Characterization of the reactivity of riverine heterogeneous sediments using a facies-based approach; the Rhine-Meuse delta (The Netherlands)
    (103) N Hartog, S Staps, H van Duijne, and H Rijnaarts. HIP: Integrated Strategy to Stimulate Application of In-Situ Remediation Techniques in the Netherlands. in Water Rock Interaction. 2007: Taylor & Francis Group. Request: HIP: Integrated Strategy to Stimulate Application of In-Situ Remediation Techniques in the Netherlands
    (104) Z Parsi, N Hartog, T Gorecki, and J Poerschmann, Analytical pyrolysis as a tool for the characterization of natural organic matter--A comparison of different approaches. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2007. 79 (1-2): p. 9-15. Request: Analytical pyrolysis as a tool for the characterization of natural organic matter--A comparison of different approaches
    (105) L Cave, N Hartog, T Al, B Parker, KU Mayer, and S Cogswell, Electrical monitoring of in situ chemical oxidation by permanganate. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 2007. 27 (2): p. 77-84. Request: Electrical monitoring of in situ chemical oxidation by permanganate
    (106) N Hartog, Redox controls on denitrification at the soil-aquifer interface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005. 69 (10): p. A605-A605.
    (107) N Hartog, J Griffioen, and PF van Bergen, Depositional and Paleohydrogeological Controls on the Distribution of Organic Matter and Other Reactive Reductants in Aquifer Sediments. Chemical Geology, 2005. 216 (1-2): p. 113-131. Request: Depositional and Paleohydrogeological Controls on the Distribution of Organic Matter and Other Reactive Reductants in Aquifer Sediments
    (108) N Hartog and BL Parker. Natural Dissolution of a Heterogeneous Multi-Component DNAPL Source Zone in the "Homogeneous" Borden Aquifer. in Geological Society of America - 2004 Annual Meeting. 2004. Denver, USA. Request: Natural Dissolution of a Heterogeneous Multi-Component DNAPL Source Zone in the
    (109) N Hartog, PF van Bergen, JW de Leeuw, and J Griffioen, Reactivity of organic matter in aquifer sediments: geological and geochemical controls. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004. 68 (6): p. 1281-1292. Request: Reactivity of organic matter in aquifer sediments: geological and geochemical controls
    (110) N Hartog and J Griffioen, The response of aquifer sediments to nitrate exposure: biogeochemical controls on denitrification potential. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003. 5: p. 1.
    (111) N Hartog, Reactivity of Sedimentary Organic Matter and other Reductants in Aquifer Sediments, in Geologica Ultraiectina. 2003, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University: Utrecht. p. 176. Request: Reactivity of Sedimentary Organic Matter and other Reductants in Aquifer Sediments
    (112) N Hartog, J Griffioen, and CH Van der Weijden, Distribution and reactivity of O2-reducing components in sediments from a layered aquifer. Environmental Science and Technology, 2002. 36 (11): p. 2338–2344. Request: Distribution and reactivity of O2-reducing components in sediments from a layered aquifer
    (113) N Hartog, J Griffioen, PF van Bergen, and CH van Der Weijden, Determining the reactivity of reduced components in Dutch aquifer sediments., in Impact of Human Activity on Groundwater Dynamics, H Gehrels, et al., Editors. 2001. p. 221-227.
    (114) J Griffioen, B van der Grift, A Buijs, and N Hartog, Oxygen consumption of natural reductants in aquifer sediment related to in situ bioremediation. In Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Other Organic Compounds, 1999: p. 463-468. Request: Oxygen consumption of natural reductants in aquifer sediment related to in situ bioremediation
    (115) B Van der Grift, N Hartog, and J Griffioen, Reactiviteit van natuurlijke reductoren in aquifer sediment. H2O, 1999. 32 (25): p. 16-18. Request: Reactiviteit van natuurlijke reductoren in aquifer sediment
    (116) N Hartog, B Van der Grift, J Griffioen, and H Van Liere, Respiration of bulk organic matter in aquifer sediments with the Micro-Oxymax. Mineralogical Magazine, 1998. 62A (1): p. 579-580.
    (117) J Beekma, J Miller, N Hartog, MF Wierda, C Maas, C Groat, B Penn, B Harisson, and JMH Hendrickx. Detection of Soil Salinity at different scales: From field measurements to remote sensing. in Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling tot the Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone. 1997. Riverside, CA, USA.
    (118) N Hartog, Interpretation of geochemical variation in the Formation of Kedichem - A case study in South Holland, MSc Thesis/Gch 96-05. 1996, Dutch Geological Survey (RGD): Haarlem. p. 73.